Here's the fun on the stairs that we had yesterday.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Stairway to Emerson
Posted by Emerson at 6:28 AM 4 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Weekend Fun!
This weekend marked our first official weekend of fall weather. Although, Sunday was not really fall like weather, Mommy dressed me in hopes that it was just a fluke in the Weatherman's forecast.
On Saturday, it rained all day so after we ran a few errands, Mommy made a big pot of chili and some brownies too. You can see below that I was a lucky little guy and helped Mommy make the brownies. I even got to lick the beaters once Mommy finished pouring the mix into the baking dish. Of course I'm not a clean eater so Mommy had to change me. Later that day, Daddy and I hung out for a little while in the basement where I discovered Bob's cat toys. For the record, I really like the balls with the bells in them.
Today, we went to church and you could tell it was a good service... lots of singing, peace greeting, etc... I clapped a lot... it was tons of fun. Daddy and I watched the Redskins game and played in my ball pit. I'm learning to clean up my toys at school so today I showed Daddy how it's done. Right before bath time, Mommy, Daddy and I played catch with the ball on the stairway .. there's video footage of that coming up soon.
So, here's wishing Mommy gets her sweater weather and Daddy gets to watch more football games. Everyone have a great week and be good!
Emerson "What, like you think it's easy to get the chocolate off of these beaters?"
Posted by Emerson at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My First Day of Preschool - Little Acorn Patch
Tomorrow starts my second week at my new school - The Little Acorn Patch - and I'm starting to look forward to it. My first day of at my new school was this past Tuesday and boy was there lots to see and do. Mommy and Daddy both took me on my first day and I showed them my new classroom, cubby and where I put my backpack and coat.
I have three teachers and their names are Ms. Kristin, Ms. Mandy and Ms. Julia. I really like all of them but, Ms. Mandy tells my parents that I crack them up.... I guess I'm funny or something. Oh and Ms. Kristin told my parents that I'm an escape artist.... can I help it if I'm one of the few kids in the class that knows how to open doors? Anyways, we have lots of fun playing, dancing and listening to music, coloring, story time and one day we even made home-made apple sauce! I'm also making lots of friends and Maysa (one of the girls in my class) seems to follow me everywhere.... I sure hope she doesn't have cooties!
On the down side, I think I might be allergic to something in the classroom or the new carpet that my school just got. On Thursday, Ms. Mandy noticed that I couldn't stop scratching my neck. On Friday, I had hives all over my body so much so that the Director (Ms. Andrea) thought I could have the chicken pox. Mommy and Daddy took me to see Dr. Sideridis on Friday and he confirmed it was just a bad case of the hives. Now the trick becomes what is it that is making me allergic. No worries though, the Dr. Sideridis says that sometimes you never find out and it can go away on its own.
All is well and I'm off to get some rest since I know that there will be lots for me to do at school tomorrow.
Emerson Check out my cubby
Posted by Emerson at 8:37 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Nana & Pappy Come to D.C.
Nana Banana and Pappy came to see me this past week! Last Saturday, we met Nana and Pappy at the airport gate from their trip from Houston. Everyone seemed worried that I wouldn't recognize them but, you can't fool me, I knew exactly who they were as soon as they walked out of the airport terminal.
We had so much fun while they were here. I showed Nana and Pappy around the zoo one day, took them to the park to play on the swings and slide, strolled around old town Alexandria, visited with the Mc Eldowney's one evening (we played lots of hide-n-go-seek that night), and even had a night to myself with Nana and Pappy while Mommy and Daddy went out on a date. Nana and Pappy left this past Saturday and Nana cried a little as she was getting out of the car to go inside the airport. I didn't tell her this, but I wish that I could have made her tears go away. That's O.K. though, there's always our next visit! Here are some snapshots of our fun. There is also a photo that Nana took of me at the doctors office. I had an ear infection that day but the good news is that I'm all better now and ready for my new school (which I start tomorrow btw).
Well, I'd better get some sleep for a well rested day tomorrow. Mommy and Daddy are both taking me to meet my new teacher, Ms. Kristen. More to come on that.
Emerson "Pappy, what no milk to go with my cookies?"
Posted by Emerson at 9:15 PM 3 comments