Yesterday Mommy and Daddy busted me out of school for my first dentist appointment. It was an experience like none other. Daddy has been preparing me for the past couple of weeks of what to do when I see the Dentist. I've been working really hard on opening my mouth really big and saying "ahh".
First we waited in the waiting room for the Dentist to call us back. Once Dr. Chang came and got me, we all went back into this really cool room. There were lots of shiny objects and possibly the coolest chair I've ever seen. I tried really hard to sit still, contain myself, and open my mouth for Dr. Chang like Daddy and I have practiced. Unfortunately, Dr. Chang came after me with this huge straw that made really loud noises. Daddy and Mommy assured me that it was o.k. but I know better. So what would you do? Well , I ran like the wind and thankfully dodged a bullet. Dr. Chang, Mommy and Daddy all tried to get me back in the chair but I'm no dummy. Fifteen minutes later they all finally gave up on me getting my teeth checked and clean and decided that we'd try this again in another six months (ha ha ha... we'll see about that). Here are a few snapshots of my experience:
Emerson "What kind of room is that?"
6 years ago