After our fun in the snow, Mommy made me some lunch and we spent a good portion of the afternoon playing. Well actually Mommy spent a good portion of the afternoon chasing me, while I was playing. I'm not sure if you knew or not but, I love paper! I love the newspaper (especially when my Daddy reads it to me), I love wrapping paper, toilet paper, paper bags really anything paper. Mommy always seems to try to keep me away from it. I'm not sure why but I think that it has to do with the fact that I like to eat it. So, this afternoon Mommy spent most of her time trying to keep me away from paper.... geez! Here's some photos from our time together today. I hope you enjoy :-)
Emerson " mmmmm, PAPER" " I'm hiding it my mouth in a place that Mommy will have a very hard time finding it!"
6 years ago