Sunday, September 7, 2008

Crawling, crawling, crawling......

The end of this week marks my first attempt at crawling. Mom and Dad are so excited that they even bought toys for me to chase (So what am I Bob the cat now Bob has come around more and more often (even when I cry); my parents theory is that he's after my new toys. I don't mind sharing, kitties needs play time too ya know.

My favorite toy so far is what they call a "move and crawl" ball. My parents like it because supposedly, it stimulates my gross motor development, teaches me my numbers, shapes and animals, and has fun sounds. I like it because it's shiny, moves around a lot and has cool colors and lights. I also got a really cool drum that sounds out the alphabet, sings cool songs, lets me beat on it and all in either Spanish or English!

So, here I am below chasing after one of my new building blocks. I have to get it before Bob gets to it.... it's soft and squeaks like Bob's cat toys.


"Hey, how YOU doing..."

"..... and 1, 2, 3, ..... come on everyone, push up time!"

"Still going..... and 20, 21, 22......... don't quit on me now people... we're almost done with our workout!"

"Almost got it..... must get building block before Bob gets here...."


Anonymous said...

Hey cutie patootie!

Gram thinks you're the coolest baby ever! I just got home and checked out your blog (as I always do when I first sign on) and low and behold, news about you and pictures. I am so excited. You're getting around pretty good for your age. In no time you and Gram will be going on a frog and lizard hunt.
Hugs and kisses,

Chris said...

I love your strength training routinue, Emerson, and all the developmental activities you're surrounded by. To top it all, you're going to end up being
tri-lingual (Thai, Spanish, & English)...what more could parents ask for???
Aunt Chris

tom said...

You are the sweetest that ever was!! Before you know it, you will be beating Bob to all toys. Probably will beat him to his food bowl!! You better let Bob keep his food and you stick with your peas and apples. Cool outfit!! You know what, you're just completely cool all the way!!
See you real soon!!!!!
Love you bunches,


uncle mike said...

Note to Bob:

If Bob jacks with the kids toys, Bob sleeps with the fishes.

I know where you live cat, Mike

Kelly's Konfections said...

You are getting so big so fast!! I hope I get to see you before you start running marathons.

Love you,

Aunt Cookie

Anonymous said...

Hi Peanut,
Oh my God you are soooooo advanced. How many babies can do push ups, crawl and drool at the same time. A genius!!!!!!
Looking forward to watching you do your thing.
Love, Nana Banana
Hey peanut, a joke for you to tell mom and dad.
Why does the little Merimaid wear Sea shells?
Answer tomorow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Peanut,
The answer to the question of why mermaids wear sea shells is that b shells are too small and d shells are too big. Thought you might impress the girls with that one.
Love Pappy
Ps Nana Banana sends love and kisses