Friday, December 19, 2008

I surrived Guys Week!

This past week Mommy went out of town for business. Daddy and I had what I call Guys Week. In preparation for Guys Week, Mommy typed up a schedule for my food and sleep, laid out my clothes and reviewed the daycare routine with Daddy. Mommy worries too much I think. Daddy made sure that I was well fed, got enough sleep, clean, dressed appropriately for the weather and of course we had lots of fun playing. While Guys Week was a blast I sure was happy to see Mommy yesterday night and I think so was Daddy! Daddy just kept saying to Mommy " I don't ever want to be a single parent".

Here are some photos of Daddy and I during Guys Week, enjoy :-).


" Now that I'm almost walking, I really am doing all my own stunts!"

"Daddy doesn't care if I play with the presents that Nana banana sent". "They have prettier paper than the ones Mommy wrapped."

" Do you think Nana will notice if this one is opened before Christmas?"

"Daddy thinks that I'm not smart enough to figure out how to get out." "He must be new :-)"


Anonymous said...


Of course you survived Guys Week! Both your parents are awesome just like you! I hope your Christmas present from us has arrived. Sure wish we could see you on your 1st Christmas. Merry Christmas, little man.

lots of love from your Grams