Sunday, January 18, 2009

I got the Croup!

Last Friday Mommy had to stay home from work because I had a fever and wasn't quite myself. On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor and as it turns out, I had what they call the croup! The doctor said that my "bark" like cough was a dead give-a-way for this croup thing. Mommy just thought that I had watched too many dogs on Animal Planet...hahaha!

Mommy had to leave for Chicago this past Monday so Daddy and I were left to fend for ourselves. It's a good thing that I have a great Daddy who not only knows my routine and food regimen, but is also a fan of them :-).

All is well now. I am croup free and everyone is home enjoying the warmth of our fireplace.


"Let me see... is there any candy on this thermometer?"

"You want me to stick this where?"

"Oh, I'm definitely going to need some TLC"


Anonymous said...


You are so blessed to have a Mommy and Daddy that love you so much and both of them take the very best care of you. I can remember when your Daddy had the croup! It wasn't fun for either of us! Glad you're all better now.

Love you bunches,

Little Ash B's said...

I miss you guys already. I love his facial expressions. Your comments are exactly what he is thinking. Give him a big kiss and a hug for us.