It's been awhile since my last posting and I apologize to the Grandparents for that. The Rahm-Barr household has been quite busy and I just have not had the time to break-a-way from all of my playing, reading and chasing Bob the cat to send an update.
All is well here and while it's still a little on the chilly side, Spring is here and Summer is on its way. Last weekend was Mother's Day and boy was it a lot of fun. Dad and I had special cards for Mom and then we went for a nice picnic/walk with Auntie Anne and Uncle Frank. This weekend was nice too except Dad had to leave early today for a business trip. Mommy and I will miss him but he promised that he'd be back soon. I started to help him pack for his trip earlier today but got distracted with the ceiling fan, shinny things and my favorite toys. I sure hope he didn't forgot his underwear :-).
On a different note, I've been having a terrible time trying to decide what I want to eat. Mommy says she feels like a short order cook and has tried everything to get me to eat anything that even resembles a vegetable and/or meat. All I want is yogurt, fruit, pretzels, applesauce, milk and juice... oh yeah, and those fruit filled Dole Popsicles too (Yummy)! Mommy was so desperate after a week of me eating like this that she took me to McDonald's! Now anyone that knows my Mommy will sure be shocked to know that she bought me a cheeseburger and french fries. The cheeseburger I could do without but those fries were like a party in my mouth for sure. I tried the chicken nuggets too but the fries were the winner. I overheard Mommy telling Nana that at least the fries had 3g of protein. Anywho, I'm really giving Mommy a run for her money with this whole nutrition thing. I mean, do I look like I'm starving? If you think so, just check out my cute little belly.... all the girls love it!
You might be wondering about this posting's title " Born a Washingtonian.... Destined to be a Texan!". Well, this past week a package arrived with my name on it from my Aunt Cookie in Texas. Aunt Cookie has been trying to get my Mommy and Daddy to move back to Texas along with many other Texas friends of family. Anyways, Aunt Cookie had sent me a birthday/Easter presents. I got a really neat Easter book, a Lil Texan dish set, and the best of all band-aids that look like slices of bacon (what little boy doesn't want that). Anywho, I absolutely love the dish set and today I used it to eat my nachos on. That's right, I said nachos. Daddy had made some and of course I want to do everything Daddy does so Mommy made me a few of my own.
Here's some shots of me posing with the dish that Aunt Cookie sent, chewing on some nachos and the drink that I'm dying to try one day - Dr. Pepper (it's diet but at this rate I'll try anything that isn't milk, water or juice)
Emerson "Mmmmm.... Mmmmm... good"
6 years ago
Oh, Emerson!
Now that you've had a taste of the good junk food what is your Mommy going to do with you! Nutrition just went down the toilet! It tastes so good though, doesn't it Lil Buddy!
You sure do look cute in the newly posted photos. I miss you so much and would love to play some more peek-a-boo with you. I had a wonderful time at your house and hope we can get together soon.
Love you bunches,
Nana loves the idea you may be destined to be a texan. All we need to do is get your dad to win the lottery or buy him a new house and your chances are more than the average. Love watching you grow and all the new things you are discovering. Can't wait till you start pulling off your diaper. This is getting fun seeing mommy deal with the new emerging you. Love you bunches (of bananas) Nana
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