Sunday, August 9, 2009

Beach Bums

Hi Everyone, sorry it's been awhile since my last post but to tell you the truth not much has been going on in Emerson's world until this past weekend.

Mommy, Daddy and myself went to Daddy's cousin Will's wedding down in Wilimington, NC. Cousin Will married a very sweet and pretty girl by the name of Angela (I have more pictures of that event to share with you all later on). There was so many relatives on Daddy's side that we got to visit with like.... Paw Paw, Grandma Linda, my Great Aunt's Chris, Beverly & Peggy, my Great Unlce's Jerry, John, Tim, & Mel and tons of second cousins!

We had lots of fun and on the morning of the Wedding, we met up with our cousins Michael, Jill with their sons Jacob & Josh for some beach fun. This was my first time to the beach and man am I glad that Jacob and Josh showed me the ropes. We had a blast and even got to eat some sand.

Enjoy the videos below and I hope that they don't make you too sick... Mom was taping again. I think after these tapings, Daddy is officially taking over the filming :-).



Anonymous said...

Hey little beach bum!

Didn't take too long for you to start enjoying the beach! Yea! Come on down and we'll build sand castles and all kinds of stuff! Sounds like you, Mommy & Daddy had a good time this weekend. I know the family was delighted to see you and discover what a precious child you are. Glad ya'll had fun.

Lot of hugs & kisses,

Melanie said...

Cute videos! Everyone looked like they had a great time playing on the beach!

Chris said...

Loved seeing you in NC, Emerson.
You are even cuter in person and you do keep your mom and dad on their toes keeping up with you.