Monday, May 31, 2010

A Weekend Full of Memories

I had such a great holiday weekend let me tell you!

On Friday: Mom and Dad surprised me with a new "big boy" room complete new furniture, seating and of course balloons for the occasion. I also got to see what Mom has been hiding in the big box that Uncle Mike sent to me for my birthday....a giant easel (it's pretty awesome).

Friday was also the day that Daddy saved us (we think) for the third consecutive year of "Mr. Black snake". For those of you that remember my June 8,2008 posting, Mr. Black snake is about a 4 1/2 foot black rat snake.
In 2008, Daddy captured the snake and released him into the woods about 1 1/2 miles down the road.
In 2009, Mr. Black snake returned over Memorial Day weekend and made a den for himself under our front stoop. Daddy captured the snake again (hissing and all) and released him in the same spot as he did in 2008.
It is now Memorial Day weekend 2010 an Mr. Black snake was spotted again under our front stoop and trying to get a sun tan right outside our front door! I personally think it's cool and if I could get close enough I would definitely try to pet him. Mommy of course had a fit and told Daddy that he had until this Tuesday or she will have the professionals come and get rid of him for good. Of course Mommy does realize that the snake is not poisonsness but that doesn't mean his bite wouldn't hurt. Daddy thinks Mommy is over reacting of course but you should have heard Mommy. Mommy said, "If you catch it this time, drive it at least 30 miles...over highways... crossing rivers...". It was really funny to hear Mommy freak out. Of course, Mommy swears it's the same snake and Daddy swears it's not. I guess the only way we'll ever know is if we tag the snake somehow and Daddy just laughed at that suggestion from Mommy. So, when you see the cement below... you will know why :-).

On Saturday, Miss. Francesca Anne Ruggeri had her baptism. Jacob Twarek and I had a hard time using our inside voices so we hung out in a different room with Daddy with Mommy watched Frankie's special day. Mommy said it was really beautiful and Frankie was so good. Mommy was upset that she forgot her camera but Daddy did manage to get a photo with his iphone of my friends and I playing afterwards. That church had the coolest back yard.

On Sunday, Daddy took me in my new bike trailer for a ride and then we just hung out and relaxed. Sunday is a day of rest you know.

Today, we met The Ruggeri's, The Maurette's, and The Huff's out at Burke Lake park but not before I got my hair cut and a treat at the store. Burke Lake is always so much fun, we went on the train and the carousel and then ended with strawberry ice cream!

So, tomorrow it's back to the preschool grind but I'm looking forward to seeing my teachers and friends. It's starting to get hot and humid here... definitely shorts weather. I hope you stay cool wherever you are, I know I'm trying to.


"Are you serious, this is all mine?"

"OK, let me see here... that's E - M - E....."
After my first night in my new digs
Waking up all I could think of was playing with my easel
Mr. Black snakes old home and Daddy's handy work
"Nope, Mr. Black snake won't be getting under our front stoop anymore"
Jacob and Maggie sure are fun to play with
"That's not blush I'm wearing..." "Boy was it humid"
"I think Daddy was afraid to be by himself so I let him hold onto me"
"Miss America doesn't have anything on my wave"
Big Frank and little Miss Frankie enjoying the day
"Strawberry ice cream.... have I died and gone to heaven?"
Today's fun bunch... what a nice day :-)
"Maggie, if you just lean forward a little more you can get more air in your jump." "It won't hurt, I promise".


Anonymous said...

Im so glad you like your big boy bed. Just wait till you are old enough to have friends over. you'll love jumping on bed and trashing the room. Love and miss you very much. Watch out for snakes. Love nana