Sunday, November 2, 2008


Emerson Maxwell Barr here reminding you that Tuesday,November 4th is Election Day so don't forget to vote!

I'm only 7 1/2 months old so of course I can't vote (tell that to the Obama folks though.... I keep getting calls from the "On the Move" campaign team). That's why I'm counting on you to do exactly what my shirt below says "Vote for my better tomorrow". This presidential election is not only a historic one but has definitely struck some (we'll call them light hearted) debates in the Rahm-Barr household. It's no secret that my parents are for different candidates. I often wonder how they ever ended up together with such different political views. Hey, it works for Mary Matalin and James Carville whom coincidentally also have a child named Emerson too (hmm) then it must be cool.

O.K. so remember, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!


"I'm so excited about this election that I wet my pants." "Just kidding, it's only water from my sippy cup". "Sippy Cups are hard".

"O.K. so, Senator McCain was like "really"...... and then Senator Obama was like "no you can't be serious"........ I got tired of them arguing so I just left. "

"High five to those of you that vote."

"So, I guess you're wondering why I called you all to my office."

"Boy,whomever said that campaigning was easy lied..... I'm off for a nap!"


Anonymous said...

I vote for Emerson!!!!!!!!!
Love Nana Banana

Chris said...

We are going to vote tomorrow...with Mary Matalin.